Monday, May 26, 2008

The Rewards of a Positive Outlook

"First of all, a positive mental attitude is the fixed purpose to make every experience, whether it is pleasant or unpleasant, yield some form of benefit which will help us to balance our lives with all the things which lead to peace of mind."
- Napolean Hill, "You Can Work Your Own Miracles"

Change, in life, is constant. However, when we experience major life shifts (like losing a job, a loved one, making a major move, experiencing great financial or personal difficulties), one of the first things we ask is "Why?" We want to know why and we want it to stop NOW! The person who rises above and out of these situations the quickest is the person who, instead of asking "Why?" asks "What?"

"What can be gained from this experience?"
"What is this here to teach me?"
"What can I do to build upon where I am so I never have to be in this place again?"
"What's next and how I am I going to take the lead in creating my life my way?"

The person who triumphs over adversity is NOT the person who fights it but the person who uses it to their advantage. Think about that as you undergo a major life change. In every bad situation, there is a seed of an equivalent advantage that, once activated, will turn everything around for you. Spend your time looking for and growing that seed of advantage and not the seed of despair, misery, or regret.

Your future is today! Use it and build your life your way!

Kassandra Vaughn, the ROI Coach

Sunday, May 18, 2008

What is ROI Coaching?

All ROI courses are grounded in the three principles behind ROI coaching:

To achieve anything, one must visualize what the end goal will look like and put the focus on experiencing the end result before it happens (i.e. knowing that you have everything you need to increase sales by 25% this quarter and moving toward that goal from a place of trust and confidence that says, "This is going to happen and I'm acting and operating from a success-stand point). In this, the goal is secured. The ROI coach and client come up with the actions necessary to manifest the tangible result.

When you really, really, really, really want something, the entire universe conspires in your favor. From this perspective, your goal should come from a place of passion, perseverance, and a strong desire to move forward to achieve it. When you have these factors and you add to this a plan AND immediate action, success is guaranteed. Key to this is maintaining a positive and optimistic perspective on making change and taking action. IF you believe you'll have something and you're willing to commit to taking immediate action to complete it, you'll have it. IF you don't believe your goal is feasible, you won't take immediate action and you won't be persisten and the goal will never be realized.

The early bird gets the worm. In the same way, being the best, establishing sustainable competitive advantage, achieving corporate objectives, and maximizing profitability ALL require taking immediate action. Having a plan in place is important but top executives know that when preparation meets opportunity, it's all about timing, being able to act decisively and immediately to secure the leading edge. In this, achieving your goals is all about staying on top of your industry, looking for trends and changes, and identifying opportunities as soon as they become available, AND taking IMMEDIATE ACTION.

These 3 principles serve as the foundation for ROI coaching. Students who understand and know the value of these principles will benefit most from ROI courses.